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Welcome to Team CPAlexman's Cheats! Follow us on Twitter @Alexman54633CP The Team: Alexman54633- Owner, Alexman54632- Co-owner, Iyaz201- Author, Charlie401- Author, and Bodyguard5- Moderator. Check back next week for our Latest News!


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     Welcome to CpAlexman's Chat! 


1) Cussing, flaming, spamming, and flooding is not allowed.
2) Please do not pose as other people. You may be banned for 1 hour if you do.
3) No hacking or else you will be banned FOREVER.
4) No asking for Moderator or Owner. If you ask repeatedly, you may be banned for 1 hour.
5) Members: Be nice to others including Mods. and Owners.
6) Mods. and Owners: 3 kicks = Ban. If Cuss, Flame, etc. then it is a 6 hour ban.
7) Hackers are banned forever.
8) No ads with the exception of YouTube and Photobucket.
9) Please do not talk inappropriate.
10) Chat and have fun!

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