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Welcome to Team CPAlexman's Cheats! Follow us on Twitter @Alexman54633CP The Team: Alexman54633- Owner, Alexman54632- Co-owner, Iyaz201- Author, Charlie401- Author, and Bodyguard5- Moderator. Check back next week for our Latest News!


Alexman54633's Cheats has been updated.  

Book Codes
Coin Codes
Money Maker

            Trainers and Money Maker:

The Stamp book was recently added to Club Penguin. Click your player card and look for a stamp icon. Click on it and open it. Find a category and mouse over it. Complete the task and at the top you will see that you earned a stamp(s).

                                     Special Puffle Tricks
                                               Red:Knocks down bowling pins
                                               Blue: Bounces ball on it's head
                                               Green: Uses Propeller Hat
                                               Purple: Blows Bubbles
                                               Black: Catches on fire and flys
                                               Pink: Uses Trampoline
                                               Brown: Bounces
                                               White: Makes a Cloud
                                               Yellow: Paints a picture

               Speedboat at the Telescope
                                                             1. Go to the Cove.
                                                              2. Look into the Binoculars.
                                                              3. Wait 10 seconds for a speed boat.

            See if Rockhopper is coming
                                            1. Go to the Lighthouse Beacon.
                                             2. View the telescope.

      Turn Blue colour on Club Penguin
  1.                                    Go to any room on Club Penguin
  2.                                    Put on the Green Hoodie
  3.                                    Start dancing (click the ‘D’ key)

                  Puffles walking on walls cheat

                                             1. Adopt a Puffle if you don't have one yet.
                                             2. Buy a large igloo like the Stage or the Split-level one.
                                             3. Wait until the Puffles walk up towards the top of the igloo.
                                             4. Now buy a the Basic Igloo and your Puffles are walking on walls!

         Freeze while doing a special dance cheat

                                     1. Wear any item or items that let you do a special dance.
                                     2. Press D on your keyboard to dance.
                                     3. Press and hold D on your keyboard

                                    (You can also do this with the Propeller Hat)

            Low and High Definition cheat

                                                   1. Click + or - on your keyboard.

           Throw Snowballs quickly cheat

                                1. Click "T'' on your keyboard really fast and click where you want it.

Wave quickly cheat

                                  1. Click ''W'' quickly and your waving really fast. (Try it with an item)

                       Secret Places

                                                1. Click the Mountain to go to the Dojo.
                                                2. Click the floating ice at the corner of the map to go to the Iceburg.
                                                3. Go to the Phoning Faculty to go to the HQ

                          Become a...

                                              Agent: Complete the test and earn your Spy Phone
                                              Ninja: Earn all your belts and verse the Sensei.
                                              Tour Guide: Complete the Test to become a Tour Guide and earn a hat.
                                              Fire Ninja: Earn your whole Fire Suit then verse the Sensei
                                              Water Ninja: Earn your whole Water Suit and verse the Sensei

                 Read Old News cheat

                                                        1.  Go to the Mine
                                                        2.  Go to the Pool
                                                        3.  Go to the Boiler Room
                                                        4.  Click the green cabinet and you can read Old News

                 Visit the Older HQs

                                                        1. Go to the New HQ
                                                        2. Enter the Tube Transporter
                                                        3. At the top, click any year and transport there.

                                              ET shows a music note and makes a noise.
                                              EI shows an igloo.
                                              EP shows a blue puffle.
                                              ES shows a skull.
                                              ED shows a sun.
                                              EF shows a flower.
                                              EG shows a game controller.
                                              EH shows a red heart.
                                              EL shows a four leaf clover.
                                              EZ shows a slice of pizza.
                                              EC shows a cup of coffee.
                                              EN shows the moon and stars.
                                              EM shows a coin.
                                              E1 shows a laughing face.
                                              E2 shows a smiley face.
                                              E3 shows a straight face.
                                              E4 shows a frowning face.
                                              E5 shows a surprised face.
                                              E6 shows a face sticking out their tongue.
                                              E7 shows a winking face.
                                              E8 shows a green icky face.
                                              E9 shows a red angry face.
                                              E0 shows an unhappy face.
                                              ! shows a large !
                                              ? shows a large ?
                                              EQ shows a Strawberry Ice Cream Cone.
                                              EW shows a Chocolate Ice Cream Cone.
                                      Here is a picture of some of the hidden emotions.

              Club Penguin Commands
                                                             D – Dance
                                                             W – Wave (or wear a whistle)
                                                             S – Sit
                                                             T – Throw a snowball
                                                             J – Tell a joke
                                                             Y – Say yes                                                                                                                              
                                                             O- Say Ok
                                                             H – Say hello
                                                             B – Say good-bye
                                                             N – Say no

                  Different colored Puffle cheat

                                                     1. Adopt the brown Puffle.
                                                     2. Go to the Puffle catalog and purchase a Puffle House.
                                                     3. Now go to your igloo and click your Puffle player card.
                                                     4. Click REST and your Puffle changes to red.

                    Dance on Pathways cheat

                                                   1. Go to the Town, for example.
                                                   2. Walk towards the pathway and click the newspaper.
                                                   3. Exit out of the newspaper and dance.

        Walk away while playing Find-Four cheat

                                                  1. Go to the Ski Lodge.
                                                  2. Click yes to play find four.
                                                  3. Quickly click on the bottom of the Ski Lodge door.

                                          (You can do this in many mini games like Mancala) 

      Go to un-added Penguin's Igloo cheat:

                                        1.Go to a room thats almost full.
                                        2. Click one of your offline buddies. (DONT exit out of it)
                                        3. Now open the Players in Room List. 
                                        4. Look for a Penguin and tell them to go to their igloo. 
                                        5. As soon as they leave, their name is in the Players in Room List.
                                        6. Quickly click their name and on you offline buddy player card, click the House icon.
                                        7. You should appear in their igloo

                           Stand on the Thin Ice game
                                         1. Go to the Dance Lounge.
                                         2. Stand in the middle of the room.
                                         3. Click on the TV screen above Thin Ice

                        Spin while sitting
                                                        1. Go to any place on the map.
                                                        2. Press S on your keyboard to sit.
                                                        3. Hold S while sitting.
                                                        4. Rotate your mouse around your penguin.
                       Chat bar Glitch
                  1. In you chatbar, hold down any letter until your unable to and in your history, it shouldn't appear.
                       Hiding Places
                                                   1. The green table in the Attic.
                                                   2. Any tree in the Forest towards your chat bar.
                                                   3. The gray nets at the Beach next to the Lighthouse.

Thanks to Chrisdog93 for a few of his Cheats! Now below are some Book Codes! Blog Posts may include some cheats too! Thank you and visit us again!

Unlock All Items Codes

1. Go to Play Club Penguin.
2. Click Unlock All Items
3. Type in your code or book code!

Here are some helpful codes!

The Ultimate Official Guide of Club Penguin: 

Q: What is the word on page  9?
A: Sometimes

Q: What is the word on page 40?
A: Examples

Q: What is the word on page 63?
A: How 

Q: What is the word on page 101?
A:  Donated

Q: What is the word on page 155?
A: Queen

Q: What is the word on page 171?
A: Annual

Q: What is the word on page 176?
A: Item

Club Penguin Stowaway:

Q: What is the word on page 6?
A: Mysterious
Q: What is the word on page 7?
A: Rockhopper
Q: What is the word on page 21?
A: Migrator
Q: What is the word on page 25?
A: Yarr
Q: What is the word on page 40?
A: Waterfall
Q: What is the word on page 52?
A: Deck
Q: What is the word on page 80?
A: Penguin
Q: What is the word on page 177?
A: Puffle
The Inventor's Apprentice: 
Q: What word is on page 5,?
Q: What word is on page 6?
Q: What word is on page 6?
Q: What word is on page 12?
: Find
Q: What word is on page 17?
Q: What word is on page 8?
A: Round
Secret Agent Handbook: 
Q: What word is on page 5, 6 words from the left on line 9?
A: Give
Q: What word is on page 5, 3 words from the left on line 5?
Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 18?
Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 2?
Stage Reporter: 
Q: What word is on page 5, 5 words from the left on line 7?
Q: What word is on page 7, 6 words from the left on line 12?
Q: What word is on page 22, 6 words from the left on line 6?
Q: What word is on page 28, 7 words from the left on line 1?
Q: What word is on page 38, 7 words from the left on line 2?
Q: What word is on page 51, 4 words from the left on line 1?
A: Writ
Q: What word is on page 51, 4 words from the left on line 6?
Q:. What word is on page 64, 4 words from the left on line 6?
Official Stage Playbook:
Q. What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left on line 14?
A. Flipper
Q. What word is on page 3, 2 words from the left of line 12?
Q. What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left of line 3?
Q. What word is on page 3, 7 words from the left on line 5?

The Great Puffle Switch: 
  Q: What word is on page 8, 2 words from the left on line 8?
 Q: What word is on page 73, 5 words from the left on line 11?
 Q: What word is on page 61, 5 words from the left on line 9?
Q: What word is on page 9, 9 words from the left, on line 12                                                                  

A: Workshop

Q: What word is on page 18, 6 words from the left on line 3?
Q: What word is on page 56, 5 words from the left on line 18:
Q: What is the word on page 43, 2 words from the left on line 5?                                                       

A: Snowballs

Q: What is the word on page 76, 5 words from the left on line 8?
The Awesome Official Guide to Club Penguin:
Q: What is the 1st word on page 8 on line 4?
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 11 on line 3?
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 14 on line 14?
Q: What is the 8th word on page 39 on line 19?
Q: What is the 5th word on page 58 on line 4?
Q: What is the 6th word on page 65 on line 3?
Q: What is the 5th word on page 125 on line 3?
Q: What is the 6th word on page 131 on line 3?
Q: What is the 4th word on page 144 on line 4?
Q: What is the 7th word on page 155 on line 2?
Q: What is the 2nd word on page 184 on line 1?
Dancing with Cadence: 
Q: What is the word on page 10, 3 words from the left on line 2?
A: Groove
Q: What is the word on page 12, 3 words from the left on line 5?
Q: What is the word on page 24, 3 words from the left on line 3?
Q: What is the word on page 29, 4 words from the left on line 3?
Q: What is the word on page 36, 4 words from the left on line 2?
Q: What is the word on page 53, 5 words from the left on line 3?
Q: What is the word on page 57, 13 words from the left on line 3?
Q: What is the word on page 64, 4 words from the left on line 2?
I hope these codes were very helpful to you! Know any more? Comment!