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    The following trackers updated May 2011 can give you the status of all the mascots of Club Penguin and a description.
                       Rookie Tracker 2011
Rookie Tracker
Rookie's Background!                                                                              

Rookie was recently a new mascot to Club Penguin in April 2011 during the April Fools Party. This means he is a meet able character. He is usually found in full servers with at least three bars. He can be found in the Box Dimension. Rookie is a green penguin that wears a red propeller hat, red sunglasses, and a red Hawaiian shirt. Once you find him, you will get a Rookie Stamp, and if you click his player card, you can get his Exclusive background. Rookie is also part of the Elite Penguin Force Agency.

                                      Rockhopper Tracker 2011
Rockhopper Tracker
Rockhopper's Background!

Rockhopper was the first meet able mascot on Club Penguin. He is a pirate that visits the island every 2-4 months. You can find him coming at the Lighthouse Beacon through the Telescope. He usually comes by his ship, the Migrator, which is docked at the Beach during his arrival. Rockhopper enjoys crowded servers such as Parka, Mammoth, and Frozen. He can be found at the Beach, the Migrator, and the Pizza Parlor. Rockhopper is a red penguin that wears a Capitan's hat, a black beard, and usually walks with is red puffle, Yarr. Once you find him, you can get the Rockhopper Stamp. If you click his player card, you can receive his exclusive background. Alsp, you can find more about him in his Captain's Journal found in the Book Room above the Coffee Shop in the Town. In the back, click the key to get into the Captain's Quarters.
Rockhopper usually comes around th Fall Fair, the Christmas Party, and around Earth Day.

                       Cadence Tracker 2011
Cadence Tracker

                                  Cadence's Background!
Cadence is also a new meet able character. She was introduced at th Puffle Party 2010. Cadence likes to go to crowded servers such as Blizzard, Sleet, and Yukon. She likes to visit the Night Club, the Dance Lounge, and the Rooftop. Cadence is a pink penguin that has purple hair, headphones, a purple and yellow striped scarf and bracelets, white shoes, and a Jukebox. Cadence is also found in the game, Dance Contest. She also introduced her puffle, Lolz, at the Puffle Party 2010.

You can usually find Cadence at the Puffle Party, Music Jam, and other few parties.

                      Aunt Arctic Tracker 2011
Aunt Arctic Tracker

                                              Aunt Arctic's Background! 

Aunt Arctic is a famous, meet able character. She is obviously the News Editor of the Club Penguin Times. She is most likely to be found on crowded servers in the Town, the Book Room, and the Coffee Shop. Aunt Arctic is a green penguin that wears a pink toque, with black glasses and a pencil. Once you meet her, you can get the Aunt Arctic Stamp. If you click her player card, you can get her exclusive background. Did you know some penguins think she might be the EPF Director?
Aunt Arctic usually comes when there are Penguin Awards, Holiday Party, and the Anniversary Party.

                                                Gary Tracker 2011
Gary Tracker
Gary's Background!

Gary, AKA G or Gary the Gadget Guy, is Club Penguin's inventor. He is part of the PSA (now EPF) and is a meet able character. Gary wears twisted glasses, and a lab coat (white) like above. He can be found on crowded servers at the HQ, and some places at parties. Once you meet him, you can get the Gary Stamp. If you click his player card, you can get his exclusive background. Gary is friends with The Director, Rory, DOt, Rookie, Jet Pack Guy, and Aunt Arctic.
Gary can be found around any important events with the E.P.F. or other parties.

                        Sensei Tracker 2011

Sensei Tracker
Sensei's Background!

Sensei trains penguins in the Dojo to become a ninja. He continues to train in the Fire Dojo, Water Dojo, and the Snow Dojo. Sensei is usually found on crowded servers. He can be found in the Dojo, the Ninja Hideout, and the other Dojos. Sensei is a gray penguin that wears a yellow hat with a gray beard. Once you meet him, you can get the Sensei Stamp,. If you click his player card, you can receive his exclusive background. Sensei can be found in three different suits, found at the three different Dojos.
Sensei is found when a new Dojo is released or there is a celebration.

                 Penguin Band Tracker 2011

Penguin Band Tracker
Penguin Band's Background!

The Penguin Band is a very famous group. Their names are Stompin' Bob, G Billy, Petey K., and Franky. If you find any of them that look like the above, you found them! They can be found on crowded servers at the Plaza, Backstage, or the Dock. Once you find them, you will get the Penguin Band Stamp. If you click their player card, you get receive their exclusive Band Autographs.
The Penguin Band is most famous around the Music Jam, the Penguin Awards, and other events.