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Welcome to Team CPAlexman's Cheats! Follow us on Twitter @Alexman54633CP The Team: Alexman54633- Owner, Alexman54632- Co-owner, Iyaz201- Author, Charlie401- Author, and Bodyguard5- Moderator. Check back next week for our Latest News!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Music Jam Special Announcement!

Hello Penguins!

Thanks to you guys, Music Jam has been awesome this year! It's cool to see so many of you dancing the robot and starting up your own bands. 

We heard a lot of you don't want the party to end... You asked... and we've listened!

Guess what... We're extending Music Jam for you! Now EVERYONE can party for an extra week!

How are you going to spend the extra party time? Let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle On!

1 comment:

  1. WOw this viddeo is cool. Im so happy the party is extended!


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