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Welcome to Team CPAlexman's Cheats! Follow us on Twitter @Alexman54633CP The Team: Alexman54633- Owner, Alexman54632- Co-owner, Iyaz201- Author, Charlie401- Author, and Bodyguard5- Moderator. Check back next week for our Latest News!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Alexman54633's Official End-of-Summer Party!

Summer is almost over for some people. For others it is still on! Anyways, even though there are many Summer Parties, I'd like to host an End-of-Summer party! Here are the details:

Date: August 27, 2011
Server: Crunch 
Starting Room: Cove
Time: 3:00 PST (Penguin Standard Time)

There is the details! Are you coming? I'd like to here it! Comment!!! :D


  1. I will definitely make it!
    Waddle on!!!

  2. So going to the party


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